老字號休閒食品供應的產品,主要分為肉類、海鮮、蜜餞、乾貨、茶葉、糖果六大類。肉乾養 精,蜜餞順氣,喝茶寧神,精氣神充足,就能開創勝利人生。 濃濃的故鄉情,寸寸的懷舊心,老字號數不盡精緻的牛肉乾、豬肉乾、營養美味的小魚干魷魚絲,在家中、去郊外,親友歡敘中,帶給您快意人生,豐富您的生活。 老字號獨領風騷的各式蜜餞,伴隨您休閒的日子更愜意。走過小橋,跨越流水,相談的喜樂,天倫的歡聚,總少不了那酸甜甘蜜,耐人回味的蜜餞。沁人的幽香,醉 人的醇厚,老字號高山茶系列,凍頂烏龍、人參烏龍、高山烏龍、東方美人、茉莉白龍珠都是送禮自用絕佳健康飲料。提神止渴,消疲勞,助消化。
Vua Kho Bo is a snack retailer which has been concentrating on providing healthy, tasty and traditional snacks in California for over 30 years. We have 22 stores which mainly located in southern California. We are selling over 400 different kinds of snacks, including beef jerky, dried seafood, dried prune, candies and tea.
We have always been working on product quality and safety to maximize our customer’s satisfaction. Our jerky products are manufactured strictly to meet the FDA and USDA requirements. At the same time, it is also proudly for us to emphasis the variability of our different kinds of jerky flavors which could be easily for everyone to find the best. Our dried fruit products and tea are carefully selected and imported from Taiwan and Vietnam. Whoever coming from China, Taiwan or Vietnam can easily find the taste from their home country.